Proper Nightclub Bar Grand Opening

Proper, A Hospitality Case Study: Successful Grand Opening Strategy

Proper night club and bar partnered with Venture to plan and execute a successful grand opening event in the hospitality industry. Their goal was to establish a new brand and generate excitement within the Orlando community.

Client Overview

Proper Nightclub Bar Pre-Launch Post - Arm Holding Cocktail
Vintage 1980’s style graphic with a lady’s arm holding a martini glass cocktail coming out of crushed green velvet curtains.

About Proper

Proper is a renowned premier craft cocktail bar and high energy vinyl listening room known for its commitment to providing exceptional guest experiences. They pride themselves on creating unique and memorable venues that resonate with their target audience.

The Challenge: Grand Opening Challenges

Proper faced the challenge of planning and executing a grand opening event while ensuring they had a fully trained staff. Additionally, they aimed to establish their brand and generate excitement in the competitive Orlando community.

Proper Nightclub Bar Pre-Launch Header - DJ on Turntables
Resident DJ playing a showcase set for the crowd at Proper Nightclub and Bar.

Our Approach: Comprehensive Strategy and Support

Venture provided Proper with a comprehensive range of services to address their challenges. From developing a grand opening strategy to identifying the venue’s concept and brand identity, our team ensured a cohesive approach. We strategized social media marketing and online presence, assisted with recruitment and training, and executed targeted digital ad campaigns. Additionally, we helped develop the venue’s beverage and entertainment program and created a 12-month forecast and budget. Our team also played a vital role in developing job descriptions for all positions and hosted orientation sessions, supporting a seamless onboarding process.

Proper Nightclub Bar Pre-Launch Post
Vintage 1980’s style graphic with a featured Körting Stereo System with a leopard in the background.

Event Management

Venture’s Event Management Solution was instrumental in streamlining the planning and execution process. It facilitated effective communication, task management, and collaboration among the project managers, ensuring a coordinated effort from conceptualization to launch.

Concept Art: Bringing the Vision to Life

To ensure Proper Nightclub and Bar’s success, Venture employed its expertise in concept art to bring the vision to life. Through meticulous attention to detail, Venture’s talented designers and artists created captivating concept art that showcased the venue’s aesthetics, ambiance, and overall vibe. The concept art served as a blueprint, guiding the development of the physical space and setting the stage for an immersive experience for guests. By aligning the concept art with Proper’s brand identity and target audience, Venture helped create an enticing and visually stunning venue that resonated with the Orlando community.

Proper Nightclub Bar Pre-Launch Post - Arm Holding Cocktail
Vintage 1980’s style graphic with a lady’s arm holding a martini glass cocktail coming out of crushed green velvet curtains.
Proper Nightclub Bar Pre-Launch Graphic
Visual graphic of the Proper logo in yellow over a green washed background.
Proper Nightclub Bar Black Suede Pre-Launch
Graphic for the ‘SELECTOR MIX’ Spotify playlist featured set for the Proper Nightclub Grand Opening.

Social Media: Amplifying the Excitement

Venture recognized the significance of social media in building excitement and engaging with the target audience. Leveraging their expertise in social media marketing, Venture devised a comprehensive strategy for Proper Nightclub and Bar’s online presence. This involved developing engaging content, implementing targeted ad campaigns, and leveraging influencers to amplify the venue’s visibility and reach.

Through strategic planning and execution, Proper gained 6,000 organic followers in less than 6 months, achieved 1.1 million impressions across social platforms, and experienced a remarkable increase in online engagement by 307.2%. Additionally, the compelling visuals, captivating videos, and well-crafted messaging resonated with the target audience, driving over 160,000 video views through Instagram and Facebook reels.

By harnessing the power of social media, Venture played a pivotal role in establishing Proper Nightclub and Bar’s online presence, attracting a loyal following, and creating buzz within the Orlando community. The success of Proper’s social media strategy showcased the impact of well-executed digital marketing in driving brand awareness and engagement in the competitive hospitality industry.

Results: A Compelling Brand Identity for a Culinary Adventure

As a result of our collaborative efforts, Proper achieved remarkable results.

Amassing Followers

They gained 6,000 organic followers in less than six months, reaching a broad audience through various social platforms.

In the Spotlight

The grand opening event garnered 1.1 million impressions, showcasing the brand to a wide audience.

Strategic Engagement

Online engagement increased by an impressive 307.2%, reflecting the effectiveness of the social media marketing and online presence strategies.

Additionally, Proper collected over 160,000 video views through captivating content on Instagram and Facebook reels. The grand opening event itself was executed flawlessly, exceeding ownership’s expectations and generating excitement within the Orlando community.

Proper Nightclub Bar Pre-Launch Header Shot of Bar
Wide-angle shot of the Proper Nightclub Bar with bartenders mixing drinks and cocktails for guests.

Conclusion: Successful Grand Opening and Brand Establishment

By partnering with Venture, Proper achieved their goals of a successful grand opening and brand establishment. Through a comprehensive approach encompassing strategy, marketing, recruitment, and more, they generated impressive organic growth and engagement. The collaborative efforts and dedication of both parties resulted in gaining 6,000 organic followers in less than 6 months and reaching 1.1 million impressions across all social platforms. Online engagement increased by an impressive 307.2%, and over 160,000 video views were collected through Instagram and Facebook reels.

The grand opening event itself was a resounding success, exceeding ownership’s expectations. Guests were captivated by the vibrant atmosphere, expertly mixed beverages, and top-notch entertainment program developed by the Proper team. The venue quickly established itself as a go-to destination in the Orlando community, building excitement and leaving a lasting impression.

Proper’s partnership with Venture proved instrumental in achieving their goals. Venture’s expertise in grand opening strategies, brand identity, social media marketing, and recruitment played a crucial role in the project’s success. By leveraging their knowledge and experience, Venture helped Proper navigate the challenges of launching a new venue and create a unique and compelling brand identity.

In conclusion, Proper’s collaboration with Venture resulted in a remarkable grand opening, successful brand establishment, and a solid foundation for future growth. Through meticulous planning, innovative marketing strategies, and a talented team, Proper Nightclub and Bar became a prominent player in the hospitality industry. This case study demonstrates the power of a comprehensive approach and the value of strategic partnerships in achieving business objectives.

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